Student of the Month Interview

Grace Harris
Isabella Del Nido
Lauren Wright

Questions and Answers:

Student of The Month:
1) Was it hard to get the title of "Student of The Month"?
2) What are some major things you did the past month to help get you to this title?
3)  Did you really want this award or do you think someone else really worked for and deservered the award?
4) Was there anything that you could have done differently and why?
5)Was this a goal for you or did it come to  surprise?
6) How do you think the school chooses student of the month?
7) Was there anyone who disagreed with you becoming the student of the month?
8) how will this might help you in the future, college wise?
9) How is this award fitting for you, personality wise?
10) What are some advantages and disadvantages of becoming the Student of The Month?

1) This award  is a very reward considering how big the school is, do you think there should be more than just one recipitant of the award?
2) Do you think the person who received the award deserved it, why or why not?
3) Was this award something you were working twords?
4) do you think you or anyone else deserves this award?
5) How does this award effect the students at this school, does it matter to a lot of students or no?
6) How do you think the school can change their way of awarding this award ?
7) what have you done to work to this goal?
8) Is there anything that you could have done differently to acheive this award?
9) Do teachers at this school push their students to work hard twords this award?
10) Do you think it is a big deal to receive this award?


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