The Dispatch News Evaluations

Phase One : parking lot complete

Who- The construction workers 
What- Finish phase one of the new parking lot
When- now
Where- Bowie High school
Why- Students and staff need more room to park
How- By building a new parking garage

2.) Over the summer , construction workers finished up phase one of completing the new parking lot. In phase one the construction workers were able to complete the surface parking lot. They are now moving on to phase two, in which they are are building a parking garage.

Project Engineer Jack Whaley, Direct quotes
Senior Project Manager David Murphey, Direct quotes
Senior Emma Davis , Direct quotes

4.) No opinions.

5.) I think the headline of the story summerizes the plot of the story well.

6.) yes, the picture goes well with the story.

State votes in over 800 laws following latest session

Who- Students and Staff at Bowie
What- opinions about the states new laws that were passed
When- Last month
Where-  Bowie high school
Why- many have strong opinions about the new bills
How- being interviewed 

2.) 820 new bills were added into the Texas State Laws September 1st. Many including school funding, women's health and many others were very interesting to the students and staff at Bowie. Many share their opinions about the bills passed.

Social studies teacher Dalton Pool, Direct quotes
Senior Abbas Akhtar, Direct quotes
Senior Makena Patterson, Direct quotes 

4.) There are many opinions in the story that are used as transitions. Almost every quote was a opinion given by the person.

5.) I think the headline of the story does not summarize the story well. The headline could have included more about Bowie.

6.) Yes, the picture goes well with the story.

The stewing storm of sweet smoke

Who - The students and staff at Bowie
What - Vaping
When - Now
Where - Bowie
Why - vaping is a big problem here and other high schools around the U.S.
How - some people do it to fit in. 

2.) Vaping is a big problem at schools in Austin, and many illnesses from vape are often reported by young people. The legal age to buy tobacco and nicotine products in Texas has been raised to the age of 21, and Bowie will now give three days of ISS for tobacco on campus. Bowie students and staff give their opinions on the dangers and consequences of vaping.

3.) Senior, Ben Satler
Biology Teacher, Jessica Davis
Junior, David Ronald
Principal Mark Robinson

4.) There were a many opinions used as transition sentences and statements. The quotes are mostly opinions given by staff and studentsOne example is the first line of this paragraph. "I think people just want to be accepted by others and they think it's some kind of social status boost when they smoke."

5.) I think the headline of the story is very creative and explains what the article is about very well.

6.)  Yes, there is a piece of art associated with the story that

New policy provides teachers with silence during lunch

Who - staff and students of Bowie
What - new rule regarding students not being able to sit at the academic wings during lunch
When - enforced this year
Where - Bowie
Why - teachers found students to be disruptive during lunch while they were teaching a class if students were sitting in the academic wings
How - placing a new rule saying that students cannot eat at the academic wings

2.) Students used to be allowed to eat in the academic wings during lunch, but because of teachers getting annoyed by all the noise and the students annoying other classes. There are many mixed opinions about this new rule. Teachers like that they can now teach their class in silence, but many students don't like it because of new seating.

3.) Principal Mark Robinson
   Assistant Principal Stephanie McGraw
   AP environmental Science Teacher, Ashley Spiro
   Sophomore, Danny Burton
   Biology Teacher, Brandy Ramos
  Sophomore, Elissa Wechsler
4.) There are opinions used as transition sentences and statements. One example is when there is a paragraph about how some students are upset with the new rule, and a new paragraph starts after that of Danny Burton saying explaining why he didn't like the new rule established. 

5.) I think the headline of the story summarizes the plot of the story. It is basically saying that the new lunch rule provides the teachers to teach in silence during lunch, and it is basically about that and what other students and staff think.

6.) Yes, there is a piece of art associated with the story.

New class offering: Ethnic Studies

Who - The teacher and students of the Ethnic Studies class
What- The Ethnic Studies class
When- right now
Where - Bowie High School
Why - it is 2019 and discrimination and racism is still a thing
How - starting a class to educate people and let students share their opinions about ethnic related topics

2.) Carlen Floyd is the teacher of the new class of Ethnic Studies where students discuss topics on oppression, minority groups of America, discrimination, racism, and other major issues going on in America. The Ethnic Studies class is required to be held across all AISD high schools. Many students of minority groups are very excited for this class because it gives them freedom to express their opinions on what they going through of being colored people in America.

Carlen Floyd
 Senior, Liam Kornacki
 Senior, Mariana Ramirez
 Senior, Anamarie Jarmon-Booker

4.) There are opinions used as opinion statements and sentences. One example is when one paragraph is explaining who the teacher of the Ethnic Studies class is, and the next paragraph transitions with Floyd's opinions on what Ethnic Studies is.

5.) I think the headline of the story summarizes the plot of the story well. It is simple and just explains that there is a new class called the Ethnic Studies.

6.) yes, there is a piece of art associated with the story.

First FFA grooming day this year

Who - students and teacher who runs the FFA grooming service
What - The FFA grooming service for pets
When- September 27th, 2019
Where- Bowie
Why- To gibe students experience with dealing with customers, practice how to handle dogs, and how to properly groom
How- Students are under the supervision of FFA advisor and Agriculture Science Teacher Amber Dickinson and will do services for staff members' dogs

2.) On September 27th, it was the FFA grooming day, where staff can drop their dogs off to the senior veterinary medicine practicum students. The students who are under the supervision of the FFA advisor and Agriculture Science Teacher Amber Dickinson, provide many services to the dogs, such as grooming, take them out for walks, and clipping their nails. Dickinson thinks this is a good oppurtunity for the students because they will have experience for future jobs regarding dog caring.

3.) Amber Dickinson

4.) There are not many opinions used as transition sentences and quotes because of how short the article is and the fact that there are only quotes from one person.

5.) I think the headline of the story summarizes the plot of the story. It explains how it was the first FFA grooming day on that day the article was published, which is what the article is about.

6.) No, there is no picture

New student news source app

Who - Newspaper and Journalism students
What - Made a new app
When - the beginning of the 2019 school year
Where - Bowie High School
Why - a easy and a efficient way for students to get news
How - by using a new app Student News Source

2.) During the beginning of the 2019 school year the newspaper staff made a new app called Student News Source. This new app helps students access the news content in an easier and more efficient way.

Editor-in-chief of the dispatch online, Kaitlyn Zellner

4.) There are a few opinions used as transitions and quotes in this story

5.) I think the headline of this story explains the main idea of the story well. It tells you exactly what the story is about.

6.) No, there is no picture


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