Shutter speed, aperture, ISO


Image result for Photo taken in aperture setting F2.8"
Aperture F2.8

Image result for Photo taken in aperture setting F16"
Aperture F16

1. The part of the body we should closely relate to aperture is the pupil.
2. The smaller the aperture the higher amounts of background blur. The larger the aperture the less amounts of background blur.
3. Aperture can affect the Depths of Field very greatly. If you want a picture where the focus is mainly on the foreground and have a more blurry background you would use a lower aperture. And vise versa when you want to see the foreground and background clearly.

Shutter Speed

Image result for high shutter speed image"
Higher shutter speed

Image result for lower shutter speed image"
Slower shutter speed

1. The sun is out
a) Quicker shutter speed
b) Longer shutter speed
c) Quicker shutter speed
d) Quicker shutter speed
e) Quicker shutter speed
f) Quicker shutter speed

2. The sun is down
a) Longer shutter speed
b) Longer shutter speed
c) Quicker shutter speed
d) Longer shutter speed
e) Longer shutter speed
f) Longer shutter speed

Setting 1: auto is when the shutter speed is set by the camera
Setting 2: shutter priority is when you choose the shutter speed and the camera selects the apeture
Setting 3: manual is when you choose both aperture and shutter speed


Image result for ISO 200"
ISO 200

Image result for ISO 3200 photo"
ISO 3200

1. The advantages would be being able to lighten a photo. Since it is taken in a dark environment it would be better to have a brighter picture.
2. The author made the suggestion to use a lower ISO whenever you can so the picture can be more clear and less grainy
3. The author made the suggestion to use high ISO when there's not enough light for the camera to catch.

Simulated camera:
1. The aperture settings are 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22
2. The shutter speed settings are 1 second, 1/60 seconds, 1/4000
3. The ISO settings are 100. 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600


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