Magazines Part II

Image Based- Image based covers are the most common cover types out there. These covers usually feature a person or people but they can also feature landscapes, food, nature etc. The feature usually represents who or what the magazine issue is about.

Illustration Based- Illustration based covers are the original way they used to to make magazine covers. These covers usually display something unusual, unique or comical

Type Based- Type based covers are very rare and not used often in magazines. These covers are shocking, striking, surprising and eye grabbing. They grab peoples attention on a unique topic.

Concept Based- Concept based covers are a mix of all three types of covers. The cover is used to convey a strong and striking message with a funny or unusual photo. The photo is often not a person but an object and is usually manipulated.

The relationship between the words and photos on magazine covers is very important. The words say what the picture can not, it helps the reader fully understand what the picture is about. The words help show and tell the story of the picture.This is important because it will help the reader understand what the picture is really about to make sure people don't get the wrong idea of the picture.


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