CE #2.2
Short Responses: 1) Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen, announced that he would not go through reelection because Republican House members publicly called for him to step down from his leadership role. A recording of Bonnen offering media credentials in exchange for Sullivan targeting "moderate' republican House members 2) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau 3) "The citizens of Austin expect transparency and a voice in key policy decision. We feel that the Mayor and City Council aren't listing to us or representing us well." 4) The SchoolLinks platform give help to K-12 school counselors to identify their students' career goals helping them find ways to achieve those goals. 5) 33 yards long Long Responses: 1) Donald Trump is now in the process of an impeachment trial. Trump tweeted that Republicans are facing a lynching, many people were offended that he would compare impeachment to lynching. A lot of Republicans tweeted back at ...